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Friday, March 31, 2006

You are invited

Do you know how I got into the Vineyard movement? My pastor in the late 1980’s, Mike Bickle, asked a group of leaders in our fellowship to pray about going to a conference at the Anaheim Vineyard with him. Amy and I prayed one time and said…’Lord if you want us to go…you will have to provide the money’.

Soon a few people were giving me money to go to that conference. They didn’t know we had prayed about it…they just felt led to support our going. That event gave me a personal connection with the Vineyard movement that the Lord brought me back to eventually.

There’s another Vineyard conference happening this year not in Anaheim, but at Wheaton College.

I would like you to pray about either going or donating towards someone else in our fellowship going.

This will be a great conference with sessions by Steve Nicholson on power healing…Dan Paxton (my favorite) on building effective teams, Jeff Heidkamp on sharing the gospel….Tom Severson on prayer….Dianne Leman on the Kingdom of God…Don Williams on how to help addicts…Happy Leman on ‘Building the Church”

And lots of great worship and ministry time.

Bert Waggoner (Houston TX) will speak also…along with Eloise McKitric (Children’s Pastor of Evanston Vineyard).

There will be a lot on kids ministry ideas and things related to this.

If you can only do one conference this year, please pray hard about this one!

It’s my hope that we will have at least 10 adults and 10 children from our fellowship go to this event. Are you one of those twenty?

The childrens conference sessions are limited to only 200 kids.

Is there someone in our fellowship that you feel should attend this event? Are you willing to go but don’t have the funds? Just pray and let the Lord answer your prayer. If He wants you there, He can provide.


David Bielby

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