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Monday, May 01, 2006

Fuel Price Help

I have a couple of ideas for the gasoline price problem that if implemented might spur our legislators to do something concrete. What if we had a deal where if the price of gasoline rose above $3 on average that the tax collected by the State of Illinois would be cut by 1/3 or 1/2. The tax is about 19 cents per gallon right now. If they cut it in half the State would still get money, but not as much. This would encourage the State to more aggressively find a solution to this problem. We could do the same thing with the Feds.

What if we the people started a gas tax amendment that did something like this?

What if we took the power to tax us more than is reasonable right out of the hands of the legislators?

I think something like that would be a spur in the sides of the governing officials to push them to find a working solution to these problems.

What do you think?